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Insert welcome from Fr. Ronnie
Insert welcome from Fr. Ronnie
A Roman Catholic Faith Community
143 1st Street Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075
Youth Faith Formation & Sacrament Prep
We at Assumption Parish believe that instruction/learning is vital to our faith journey regardless of our age. To be meaningful and sustaining, liturgy, prayer and service must be the common threads that weave the fabric of our relationship with God.
Our Mission
It is the mission of the Office of Faith Formation at Assumption Parish to help parents recognize and fulfill their role as their child's first and most important teacher and role model of Catholic beliefs and values. We strive to assist parents as they nurture their children's faith by:
Sacramental Preparation
Presenting religious concepts in a way appropriate to a child's age and ability to understand;
Integrating religious education with liturgical understanding and Eucharistic preparation; and
Fostering a sense of community by incorporating family members in the instruction process.
First Reconciliation
Preparation for First Reconciliation begins in the fall and the sacrament is celebrated on a Saturday in January or February.
To be enrolled in the Sacramental Preparation Program for First Reconciliation:
Your family must be registered parishioners of Assumption Parish;
Your child must have successfully completed one year of faith formation and be currently enrolled in a faith formation program at Assumption;
Your child must have a baptismal certificate on file with the Office of Faith Formation;
Parent(s)/guardians must attend the required parent meetings.
First Eucharist
Preparation for First Eucharist begins in February and the sacrament is celebrated at Masses during the Easter Season.
To be enrolled in the Sacramental Preparation Program for First Eucharist:
Your family must be registered parishioners of Assumption Parish;
Your child must have successfully completed one year of faith formation and be currently enrolled in a faith formation program at Assumption;
Your child must have a baptismal certificate on file with the Office of Faith Formation;
Parent(s)/guardians must attend the required parent meetings.
Grades 3 - 6
Formal instruction during these years take place primarily through the use of prepared materials and a series of online assessments that are reviewed weekly by the Office of Faith Formation.
In addition, family catechetical events are attended throughout the year. These programs include themes such as the Ten Commandments, saints, stories of faith and Pentecost. Some are family centered while others focus on the children or parents individually.
Confirmation Prep
The sacrament of Confirmation is conferred upon candidates of Assumption Parish who have:
Attended faith formation classes from grades 1 through 8 either at Assumption, another parish or Catholic school;
Are knowledgeable about the basic beloefs and doctrines of the Church;
Attend all classes, retreats, family events. etc. during the sacramental preparation period.

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